Members of Salmon Scotland

Members of Salmon Scotland

We’re a member of Salmon Scotland, who are an organisation that represent Scotland's salmon producers and companies from across the wider Scottish salmon supply chain.

There are currently 45 members of the organisation, linking to 2,500 people in direct jobs across the aquaculture sector, along with 10,000 people who are employed by the wider salmon farming supply chain.

Did you know...

Scottish salmon is the UK's number one food export. It is enjoyed in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Scottish salmon has a lower carbon footprint than most other farming sectors, and produces more edible meat for every tonne of feed used.

Fish health and welfare are at the heart of successful Scottish salmon farming. It is in everyone’s interests to operate to the highest of welfare standards.

The substantial library of evidence from multiple studies on nutrients present in seafood indicates that including salmon in your diet will improve your overall nutritional status, and may even yield significant health benefits.

Scotland's salmon farmers invest both time and hundreds of thousands of pounds every year to support local causes.

To read more, head to the Salmon Scotland website.