Filming in progress
The health, safety and wellbeing of our site staff and visitors is of utmost importance, particularly given the exposed locations of our sea sites.
Over recent weeks, we've been working on a brand new safety induction video to help inform those visiting us for the first time of the safety procedures and policies. It will provide viewers with a clear, easy to watch and engaging introduction to the company operations.
Caitlin Mackinnon, Health Safety Quality & Environment (HSQE) Coordinator
at Organic Sea Harvest, said:
"It is very important that visitors and new employees are aware of best safety practice prior to going to sea, along with essential pieces of information such as the location of safety equipment. The company has multiple assests - from the vessels to barges and cages - so it can be a lot of information to take in. The new induction video will offer an effective tool to help with informing viewers."